
Living together: Norway x Reader (part 4)

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greengoldblue's avatar

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“I can’t believe you guys are pretending to be a married couple!” Emil laughed as he walked into the open apartment and placed some boxes on the floor.
“Shh! Don’t be so loud,” (Y/N) scolded as she followed behind him, carrying boxes of her own, and checked around to make sure that no one had heard the Icelander. “Besides, I don’t see what’s so funny about it.” She huffed as she moved one of Lukas’s boxes out of the way so she would have room to put her own stuff. “It’s a nightmare.”

“More like a comedic sitcom.” Emil chuckled, walking over to shut the door. “But don’t worry, this whole roommate thing probably won’t last that long.”

   “Why do you say that?” (Y/N) glanced at him with a questioning look before breaking out into a huge grin. “It’s because Lukas said he’s planning on moving back in with you guys and leaving this apartment to me?! Is that it?! Tell me that’s it!”

   Emil rolled his eyes and sat down on the couch. “I meant that one of you will probably murder the other in their sleep sometime soon.” He glanced around the apartment, taking in the dozens of boxes that were scattered everywhere. “You guys sure are desperate.”

   (Y/N) threw a cushion at him. “Emil, the person I’ll probably end up murdering is you.”

   Emil threw the cushion back at him and give her an exasperated look. “Why?! Need I remind you that I was kind enough to help you move in all your stuff?”

“That may be true, but you keep laughing about this even though it’s clearly not funny! And to top it off,” (Y/N) pointed at Emil’s phone, which lay on the kitchen counter. “You still haven’t told me who the mystery person that you like is! Don’t try to pretend that you haven’t spent the whole day texting whoever it is!”.

“It’s nobody!” Emil replied a little too quickly and a little too forcefully. He quickly grabbed his phone from the counter and shoved it into his pocket.

(Y/N) grinned, it was adorable how hard Emil was trying to seem like nothing was going on between him and the mystery person. “Right, it’s nobody.” She repeated sarcastically.

“It’s true!” Emil insisted, his face getting a little red. “I think there’s still some boxes downstairs, so I’ll be right back.” He muttered as he hurriedly turned towards the door.

Before he had a chance to escape from (Y/N)'s teasing smile, the door flew open and a loud voice filled the room.

“Hey, (Y/N)! Hi, Emil!” Mathias called out as he strolled into the room, his arms full of even more boxes.

“Keep it down, Dane.” Lukas appeared behind him and shot him a death glare. “I don’t want to get kicked out before I even finish moving in.”

Mathias merely laughed and shrugged off his warning. “(Y/N), your fiancee is such a buzzkill.” He grinned at his words when he realized what he had just said. “Your when’s the wedding?”

(Y/N) groaned and threw a cushion at him. “Never.”

“Yes, never. So shut up, Mathias.” Lukas agreed as his hand began to slowly inch towards the Danish man’s tie.

“Wait a second..” Emil sat up and looked at his brother. “How long do you two plan on dragging this act out? You can’t just pretend to be fiancees for years without getting married. Eventually someone will get suspicious.”

Lukas sighed and shook his head. “We’ll cross that bridge we we get there.”


That night, (Y/N) was excited to finally have the apartment to herself for a little while. Although she loved spending time with Emil and Mathias, it was still nice to have some peace and quiet. Lukas had mumbled something about going to buy some groceries from the store a little while ago, so (Y/N) took advantage of the fact that he was gone and had the bathroom all to herself as she got ready for bed.

It would be their first night the apartment and the next day they would have to get up early to finish unpacking all the stuff they had brought with them.

As soon as she had finished brushing her teeth, she grabbed a blanket and a pillow and settled down on the couch. Lukas had insisted on setting up a system in which one of them would get the bed and the other would sleep on the couch, unfortunately it was her turn to sleep on the couch.

       A few hours later, (Y/N) was surprised to find herself awake. Glancing around, she was disappointed to see that she was in complete darkness and that she couldn't see the kitchen clock from where she was sleeping. Why had she woken up? She had been sleeping perfectly fine just seconds ago.
       It was then that she realized that she wasn't the only one in the apartment. She held her breath and listened carefully, hearing the faint sounds of someone walking around in the other room. Her heart starting racing in her chest and she struggled to keep herself from screaming out loud. There was someone in her apartment, what if it was a murder or serial killer?! She was way too young to die.

       (Y/N) took a deep breath and slowly let it out. She couldn't be freaking out, not at a time like this, she had to do something. Very carefully, she untangled herself from her blankets and got up from the couch. Her eyes were just starting to adjust to the darkness and on the kitchen counter she made out the shape of a lamp that had been placed there. Grabbing it, she held on tightly to the base and slowly made her way towards the bathroom, where she could see the light shining from behind the closed door.

       On the count of three, she would burst through the door and clobber whoever was inside. Counting quietly to herself, (Y/N) slowly raised up the lamp, prepared to lay a powerful blow. "One, two..." Her heartbeat quickened when she noticed that the door handle was turning and the door was about to open. There was no time for three, she had to act now.

       "What are you doing in my house, you monster?!" (Y/N) cried blindly as soon as the door opened.

       "(Y/N)! What are you doing?!" Instead of some serial killer hiding in her bathroom, Lukas was standing there, with a terrified look on his face.

       (Y/N) stood dead in her tracks and stared at him. "Lukas?! What are you doing here?!" It was then that she realized that the mirror had fogged up and that Lukas was standing in a puddle of dripping water, with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

       Lukas crossed his arms in front of his chest and rolled his eyes. "In case you forget, I live here!" He grabbed the lamp from her arms and set it down on the floor.

       "But..." (Y/N) couldn't get her mouth to work. Her mind still was able to comprehend the fact that it was just Lukas...and that he happened to be standing half naked right in front of her.

       "As if it wasn't bad enough that I have to live with such an annoying girl." Lukas muttered to himself as he grabbed another towel and starting drying his wet hair. "Now I have to worry about getting killed by the crazy girl."

       "....well Emil did say that one of us would eventually end up murdering the other..." (Y/N) pointed out, giggling a bit at the irony of the situation.

       Lukas stopped what he was doing and glared at her, although it wasn't as effective as it normally was since the towel was still on his head. "You're lucky that there are no other blunt objects near me." Although he tried to make it seem like he was annoyed, there was no denying the tiniest hint of a smile that ghosted his lips.  
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JGry's avatar
XD This story is just awesome